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The Importance Of APIs In Digital Banking

Technology disruptions and rising customer expectations are currently overwhelming the banking sector, and non-traditional firms like Facebook, PayPal, Google, and others are swiftly taking over responsibilities that banks once filled. Modern technology is available to non-traditional players, resulting in exceptional user experiences (UX) and creative financial solutions. Traditional banks that limit themselves to digital solutions… Continue reading The Importance Of APIs In Digital Banking

Healthcare API & Interoperability: What Do You Need To Know?

Medical icon network connection with modern virtual screen interface on hospital background, medicine technology network concept

Healthcare APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) enable data transfer and communication between information systems. Depending on how it is set up, an API can allow a system to send or get information that can be used to update a person’s record or offer aggregate information that can be used to generate reports.For instance, a healthcare organization… Continue reading Healthcare API & Interoperability: What Do You Need To Know?

API Banking Services: How They Work?

Open banking is one of the most significant developments in the banking sector, which uses APIs. It has made specialized financial services accessible to consumers and businesses with total safety and increased effectiveness.The modern banking sector frequently pioneers new technology and reaps its benefits. One of the main reasons top banks worldwide are adopting unique… Continue reading API Banking Services: How They Work?

How Can Your Enterprise Enhance Developer Experience Through APIMarketplace?

Your business and its API, as well as all relevant parties, are all included in API ecosystems. An API ecosystem strategy favors innovation over silos and cooperation over rivalry. You must incorporate accessible APIs and API providers into your business strategy to benefit from the API ecosystem.An API marketplace is an online platform where third-party… Continue reading How Can Your Enterprise Enhance Developer Experience Through APIMarketplace?

How Are Open Banking APIs Changing The Global Banking Industry?

Open banking APIs have been on the rise drastically around the globe for the last few years. Even traditional banking has comprehended that adopting advanced banking APIs is the key to strategically outbidding competitors. That’s why banks also embrace open banking APIs to rejoice in better expansion and client satisfaction rates. Here we will thoroughly… Continue reading How Are Open Banking APIs Changing The Global Banking Industry?

Understanding API Integration & Its Benefits To Your Business

Businesses have widely accepted APIs or Application Programming Interfaces in connecting their software for seamless communication. With the help of APIs, we can connect all kinds of IT technologies for seamless communication. APIs have gained massive popularity in the business world because of their excellent features. The API integration can successfully mitigate 90% of the… Continue reading Understanding API Integration & Its Benefits To Your Business

Why API-First Is The Best Approach To Application Integration?

With the rise of cloud computing, it is no surprise to find organizations building processes around microservices and continuous delivery. The conventional “code first” application development method faces several difficulties in a cloud-based ecosystem. The code-first approach was generally sufficient for monolithic systems with a single framework.This strategy performs worse when used with various API… Continue reading Why API-First Is The Best Approach To Application Integration?

9 Benefits Of API Integration For Ecommerce Businesses

In the fast-paced world, running an eCommerce business and expecting high returns can be challenging. Since the inception of advanced software and applications, online businesses have leveraged automated solutions, enabling them to yield higher returns.Further, API integration in eCommerce has drastically revolutionized and opened the door to industry revenue-generating opportunities. APIs promote automation, allowing companies… Continue reading 9 Benefits Of API Integration For Ecommerce Businesses

Seven Best API Integration Trends For 2022

Regardless of industry, many teams and businesses are moving toward using APIs. Companies use an API management platform to securely consume readily available external AI and ML APIs to take advantage of new prospects. Advanced API security features, reliable analytics, and a user-friendly lifecycle management interface are necessary. The API marketplace and ecosystem has impressively… Continue reading Seven Best API Integration Trends For 2022

How Healthcare APIs Augment Medical Software Development?

Due to the advancement of telemedicine and wearable apps, as well as stiffer regulations controlling patient access to their medical records, there has been an exponential spike in demand for medical APIs over the past several years. Healthcare providers can now connect and collaborate more effectively with patients and other providers using website portals, smartphone… Continue reading How Healthcare APIs Augment Medical Software Development?