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Eliminating high Cost and Latency Issues through ELK Solution

Our customer, a leading tech firm in the communications space, has millions of daily users interacting with their systems for business needs. As a front runner in the space, our customer aimed to shape the future of communication through innovative projects and programmes. With our customer’s current setup, generating custom reports and insights comes with… Continue reading Eliminating high Cost and Latency Issues through ELK Solution

Enabling Digital Journey Through APIs & Portal Development

About Customer Our Customer is one of the largest and leading banks in Vietnam and is headquartered in Hanoi, Vietnam. They are focused on improving the quality of operations, bringing the best banking products and services to individuals, economic organizations, and enterprises across the key provinces and cities of the country, contributing to boosting the… Continue reading Enabling Digital Journey Through APIs & Portal Development

Powering Global Financial Inclusion Programme

About Customer Our customer, an EU-based telecom association and a financial inclusion enabler, wanted to build an ecosystem to enable billions worldwide get access to safe, secure and affordable financial services. A key step in the programme was to create a developer portal and securely expose APIs for members and industry stakeholders to consume.Our customer… Continue reading Powering Global Financial Inclusion Programme

Developer Portal Experience and Best Practices

Data-driven APIs is the fuel that powers the new digital businesses today. Developer Portals/ API Portals are the essential part of any successful API based digital transformation strategy. In a recent study by PwC involving developers and tech decision-makers, more than 57% of large companies rely on the use APIs to innovate, offer new products… Continue reading Developer Portal Experience and Best Practices

End-to-end Developer Portal Transformation

About Customer Our customer, one of the largest US-based wireless network operators, offers wireless voice and data services across USA, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. As leaders in the space, constant innovation across all their products was key. Their developer portal was an innovation platform where their internal and external developers could collaborate, innovate… Continue reading End-to-end Developer Portal Transformation

Monetizing Data & Enhancing Revenue Streams

About Customer Our customer delivers location data to their clients in Australia ‘buildings attributes, roads and transport information, the authoritative Geocoded National Address File and cadastral boundaries. They organize national location data from authoritative sources and make it accessible and useful through the creation of essential datasets.Over the past decade, the API economy has forged… Continue reading Monetizing Data & Enhancing Revenue Streams

One APIMarketplace Brochure

Enterprises are creating 1000s of APIs today. Your API ecosystem needs to evolve to manage the complexities of usage and consumption, collaboration, management, documentation, and publishing of 1000s of APIs, and management of 1000s of users and developers. One APIMarketplace solves the problem. It is API platform agnostic and seamlessly connects your APIs, developers, product… Continue reading One APIMarketplace Brochure

One APIMarketplace Enterprise-grade API Ecosystem Enabler

About One APIMarketplace Enterprises are creating 1000s of APIs today. YourAPI ecosystem needs to evolveto manage the complexities of usage and consumption, collaboration, management, documentation, and publishing of 1000s of APIs, users and developers. One APIMarketplace solves the problem.Available in SaaS and on-prem versions, it is API platform agnostic and seamlessly connects your APIs, developers,… Continue reading One APIMarketplace Enterprise-grade API Ecosystem Enabler

How Does An API First Strategy Benefit Healthcare Companies?

In health industries, there is a huge amount of data regarding patient health, payments, Insurance, and other medical data that needs to be shared across systems and people to help provide better healthcare services. Healthcare institutions need to treat this data with utmost care and adhere to agreed-upon standards that govern all systems and entities… Continue reading How Does An API First Strategy Benefit Healthcare Companies?

How To Develop A Reliable API Ecosystem?

Undergoing digital transformation for all organizations has become the need of an hour. Every business is putting efforts into making their business API familiar (Application Programming Interface), but it’s a complex process. A company must know the cutting-edge strategies to develop a successful API ecosystem. Being an experienced and reputed API services provider, DigitalAPICraft has… Continue reading How To Develop A Reliable API Ecosystem?